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執筆者の写真: GIGI_mtkGIGI_mtk












The development of co-ya's new products, "POD" and "SAIL," began over a year ago.

Initially, the team in charge of "tsukuru" at the Shinshu Woodworking Studio did an incredible job of bringing our ideas to life. We collaborated with them, working together, creating prototypes, and engaging in iterative discussions.

Finally, as we approached the finishing line, we had the opportunity to showcase the products at an event and witness the reactions of the general public. Taking their feedback into account, we further refined and evolved the products to their current state.

During the development process, we took a bold step and applied for a grant called "Wood Change" to explore new possibilities. To our surprise, our application was accepted, and we secured a grant that covered one-third of the development costs.

Over a year of effort and trial and error is evident in the quality and craftsmanship of our products. We cordially invite you to experience them firsthand and hope that you'll be impressed by the wood's comfort, user-friendliness, and attractive design.

In the future, co-ya will continue to work on developing new ideas and products to provide comfortable living experiences to a greater number of people through the use of locally sourced materials. We would be grateful for your continued support.

We have complete confidence that our efforts are gradually yielding results, and we will continue to grow. We will strive to deliver even more engaging and intriguing information to our readers.


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